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New resource for wine workplace injuries

A NEW online resource is set to support a “more effective” return to work for Riverland wine industry employees recovering from workplace injury. 

The South Australian Wine Industry Association (SAWIA) last week launched an updated Wine Industry Job Dictionary, identifying suitable duties that can be performed while an injured employee is recovering. 

SAWIA chief executive Brian Smedley said common wine industry injuries included trauma to muscles and tendons, trauma to joints and ligaments, lacerations, cuts and abrasions.

“The quicker and more effectively employers can facilitate a gradual return to the workplace, working with the treating medical doctor and rehabilitation providers to identify suitable tasks, the better it is for both the employee and the business,” Mr Smedley said. 

“Importantly, from an employee perspective, being supported to return to the workplace after a workplace injury enables the employee to feel valued, motivated and connected to the workplace – important factors in maintaining good mental health.

“A more effective return to work will also assist in containing costs, which will benefit both individual employers and the industry overall.”
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Clare Scriven, said supporting initiatives that promoted safer working environments was a priority. 

“The enhanced, updated Wine Industry Job Dictionary is a resource that should help ensure workers are supported in their return to work after injury, and also deliver cost savings and improved productivity for wine businesses,” Ms Scriven said. 

SAWIA will run two webinars, tomorrow (October 13) and next Wednesday, October 19, to assist with adoption of the new resources.

The Job Dictionary can be accessed by visiting SAWIA’s online Wine Safety platform

Registration for the upcoming webinars is free and can be completed by visiting the website.