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Point of sale discount eID tags have commenced

AS part of the implementation of a national electronic identification (eID) traceability system for sheep and farmed goats, South Australia’s primary producers are now able to receive a point of sale eID tag discount. 

Discounted tags will be available to South Australian producers following an agreement with the following manufacturers of National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) accredited eID tags – Allflex Australia, Enduro, Leader Products and Shearwell - to provide a $0.95 discount per tag, with tag arrangements being finalised with Datamars (Zee Tag). 

The point-of-sale discount scheme is being funded by the State Government as part of its commitment to supporting producers in the transition to mandatory eID for sheep and farmed goats. 

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven said “having the best possible traceability system is a key platform in protecting our $2.96 billion livestock industry”.

“It is why the State Government established these support programs to assist in the transition towards the new national NLIS eID system for sheep and farmed goats,” she said. 

“Moving from the current visual device and mob-based approach to eID for sheep and farmed goats on a national level is significant. The outbreaks of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Indonesia has highlighted the need for reliable traceability. 

“The new point of sale eID tag discount scheme allows South Australian sheep and farmed goat producers to access this support in a fast and convenient way.” 

Early adopters of eID will benefit from being able to access discounted tags for breeding stock being kept beyond 1 January 2027, when it will be mandatory for them to be eID tagged before leaving their property of birth.

Sheep and farmed goats born on or after 1 January 2025 will need to be eID tagged before moving off property. 

South Australian sheep and goat producers should see this discount passed on to them when purchasing fully accredited NLIS eID tags from rural retailers and from tag manufacturers that supply directly to producers. 

As a point-of-sale discount, producers will not be required to complete any application forms, but the discounted tags must be aligned to the NLIS year of birth (black for 2024 and white for 2025) and are only available to producers with an active property identification code (PIC) registered with the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA). 

The point-of-sale tag discount scheme will be open from 1 January 2024. 

The eID Device Rebate (2023) remains open to producers for eligible tags purchased between 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.