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Citrus industry teaming up for biosecurity battle

PREPARING for, and improving the management of, citrus pest and disease outbreaks in South Australia is the goal of a new industry initiative. 

Plant Health Australia (PHA), and Citrus Australia – in partnership with Hort Innovation – on Monday announced the new five-year national biosecurity program CitrusWatch. 

PHA national manager surveillance and diagnostics, Dr Sharyn Taylor, said the program would expand surveillance, conduct industry training, lead risk assessment and modelling, and improve governance and collaboration.

“CitrusWatch is designed to bolster surveillance mechanisms and increase expertise to quickly detect, identify, and address incursions of high priority pests,” Dr Taylor said. 

Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said pests and diseases including Asian citrus psyllid and huánglóngbìng (HLB) posed risks to Riverland citrus producers.

“Australian citrus is a mature export industry with access to most major markets around the world,” Mr Hancock said. 

“An exotic pest or disease incursion could shut the industry down overnight. We have a strong focus on staying disease and pest free to maintain access to world markets and support our growers.” 

It is understood the Biosecurity Plan for the Citrus Industry will be reviewed and updated under the program.