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1 min read
Citrus SA: May picking guide and production tips

Picking guide
As harvest is about to get into full swing, don’t forget you can download the NSW DPI’s resource, the Australian Citrus Harvest Handbook.

The handbook helps pickers use the correct harvest methods to reduce fruit damage and help pickers pick faster and safer. 

Topics covered in the handbook include: 

  • Preparation (what to wear, equipment and starting the day)
  • Picking (mandarin and orange harvest techniques, ladder work and tools)
  • Machinery (awareness of tractors and foklifts)
  • Safety (personal health and good manual lifting techniques)
  • Harvest tips (work efficiently for a satisfying and productive experience)

A series of videos are available to accompany the handbook. There is also a Citrus Harvest Exercise and Nutrition Guide available that outlines exercises to help prevent injuries and make work easier.

It can be printed at home in A4 format or in A6 form by commercial printers by downloading the document at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/horticulture/citrus/content/crop-management/harvest-factsheets/harvest-guides

May production tips
Pruning and hedging: De-suckering of regrowth. Maintain skirts if registered for KCT.

Foliar spray: Copper spray application if not already completed. Stop drop spray on required variety’s two weeks after copper application.

Apply GA spray at colour break for delaying harvest and extended shelf life. It is important to make decisions based on crop set for each patch. 

Snail baiting: Ensure orchards have snail control measures in place. Check loading areas and bait also.

Irrigation: Continue monitoring soil moisture probes. Regular flushing required - consider a chlorination flush.

Weed control: Knockdown herbicides or residual herbicides as required.

*All advice is general in nature and growers should refer to packing sheds and consultants for individual advice.