© 2025 SA Farmer
1 min read
Mark Doecke, Citrus SA chair

What varieties of citrus are currently being harvested in the Riverland?  

Mid-season varieties like Washington oranges and amigo mandarins are virtually finished.

Late navels and afourer mandarins are starting now.

Have weather conditions benefited the quality of fruit this year? 

Because spring 2021 was so cold and the 2021-22 summer was very mild, the skin quality on some varieties has been weak. 

These mild conditions have produced some very tasty varieties and sunburn is minimum.

Have there been any increases in volume of fruit harvested compared to 2021? 

Volumes produced this year are up slightly but this is mainly due to new plantings coming into production.

Has 2022 seen any relief in the previous labour shortages caused by Covid-19? 

There seems to be more labour available this year. 

The main issue with labour is the compliance demanded by Fairwork, with the time taken to manage your workforce significantly higher than in previous years. 

Piece work is unfortunately frowned upon by Fairwork and this complicates employing labour.

Have Riverland growers had any challenges dealing with fruit fly this year? 

Fruit fly has cost growers significantly. Compliance with the code of conduct and the associated paperwork accompanying loads of fruit is a cost. 

Also the cost of cold-treating produce to export destinations is high.

Have stability in water allocations and cheaper temporary water prices helped growers during this time? 

Water is a minor issue in 2022, with prices to lease water low and supply high.

What should growers be doing at this time to ensure healthy trees and fruit? 

This time of the year is a good time to prune trees and also maintain irrigation infrastructure.