© 2025 SA Farmer
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‘Great day for all’ at 2024 Brown’s Well Crop Comp

DESPITE the extremely dry 2024 season, about 40 farmers and industry representatives enjoyed an amazing day at the recent Brown’s Well Crop Competition.  

Numerous crops were judged to be exceeding 2t/ha despite receiving less than 90mm of growing season rainfall.   

The winning crop of Calibre wheat was presented by James Shannon at Malpas, and was estimated to yield 2.12t/ha and a score of 93.6/100 by those in attendance, based on yield, weed and disease management, agronomy, crop achievement and workmanship.  

It was grown on a sand-over-clay loam soil that had been chemically fallowed in the previous season, showing active crop roots growing at 70cm depth. 

Significantly, James had also used a Tatu Square Moldboard Plough at this site, that had helped break hardened subsoil layers and mix clay from deeper layers. This had clearly improved the soil profile and allowed the roots to access the deeper-stored moisture.   

The Water Use Efficiency Award was won by first-time entrants Kathleen and Daniel Obst, who grew an estimated 1.63t/ha of Calibre on just 58mm of growing season rainfall at their Caliph property. This was calculated to be achieving 25kg/mm of plant-available water, when 33 per cent of summer rainfall was taken into account.

The day included an informative visit to the Nangari NVT wheat and barley trials, a deep soil amelioration trial at Jock McNeil’s, showing the results of a variety of implements, as well as numerous lunchtime guest speakers including presentations on the Fat Farmers wellbeing initiative, frost recognition technologies, carbon accounting developments and grain marketing. 

The day concluded with a dinner at the Paruna Tavern, where prizes were awarded and organisers thanked all participants and sponsors for what proved to be a highly successful day.