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1 min read
Adrian Hoffmann, WGCSA Region Two chair

How are vines looking heading out of dormancy?
The vines were looking quite fruitful this year with an average to above average cropping levels.

How was this impacted by the frost?
Many vineyards have been impacted by the frost some is quite visual with blackened shoots and severe damage others with little visible damage but there will be a high possibility that flowering will be impacted by the cold spring.

What varieties suffered the most damage in the Barossa?
Frost is not selective on variety, it is more about site. The frost events that have impacted the Barossa region were quite different this year with damage being done in blocks never being hit before. The later varieties Grenache and Mataro fared better but there are a lot of variables.

How do you expect this to impact next year’s vintage?
Crops are going to be well down but hard to stay at this stage until fruit set. My early estimates was down by 40 to 45 per cent on my damage but the second push is looking quite promising so I’m hoping only 25 to 30 per cent down.

Has the Barossa been benefitting from the return of trade to China?
The Chinese market loved Australian wines and this has not changed. There had been an early flurry of exports while shelves are getting filled so it will take a while to get a true idea for what the Chinese market will look like going forward. The China market was softening when the tariffs were brought in so I don’t believe it will get back to the highs it was but undoubtably they are still a very important market. China’s love for premium wine has definitely helped the Barossa wine market.