AFTER a three-year hiatus due to Covid-19, the GROWING SA Conference is back in 2022 and registrations are open now.
GROWING SA’s 2022 conference – with a theme of sustainability – will be held at the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre, Hahndorf, on Monday, August 29 and Tuesday, August 30.
It will focus on integral requirements in achieving sustainability on-farm, such as innovation, taking advantage of opportunities, planning for challenges and building skills for the future.
The full program is due for release next month, however special guests at the event will include Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven, National Farmers’ Federation president Fiona Simson, Food Agility CRC’s Dr Madeline Mitchell and Australian Farm Institute’s Katie McRobert.
Grain Producers SA (GPSA) CEO Brad Perry and Livestock SA CEO Travis Tobin encouraged producers to take part in the conference to gain valuable insights at a time of continuing global disruption for agriculture.
“Events of recent years such as drought and global disruption have tested the South Australian economy, yet agriculture has continued to thrive,” Mr Perry said.
“GROWING SA 2022 will explore how agricultural industries and individual producers can adapt and respond to the many challenges we continue to face, through strategies such as effective advocacy, situational awareness, and sustainability planning and practice.”
Mr Tobin said the conference’s return was a great opportunity for producers and industry stakeholders to reconnect around key themes in advocacy and policy development.
GPSA and Lvestock SA will host their annual general meetings on the Monday, followed by a conference dinner which will provide networking opportunities with producers and industry representatives from across the state.
Tuesday will offer a full day of plenary speakers, attracting local and national guests to stimulate discussion and introduce new ideas.
Registration is open for all producers and industry stakeholders. Visit the GROWING SA website for more information.