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Stone fruit takes $70m hit from labour problems

GOVERNMENT support is needed for stone fruit growers losing millions of dollars and struggling to overcome a lack of available workers, according to a peak industry body.  

Figures released last month by Summerfruit Australia showed stone fruit growers lost up to $70m nationwide during the 2021-22 season, due to ongoing labour shortages caused by Covid-19 travel restrictions. 

Summerfruit Australia chair Andrew Finlay said bipartisan support to expand the Agriculture Visa at this weekend’s Federal Election was crucial for Riverland growers. 

“Over the 2021-22 stone fruit season, the unharvested fruit, over-ripe fruit lost in the packing process and lost export markets, all due to insufficient labour represented an up to $70 million loss to growers and the economy of the production regions,” Mr Finlay said. 

“(We’re) calling on all nominated candidates and all political parties to detail their immediate plans to deal with the current and future lack of horticulture harvest labour. 

“We call on all parties to show real initiatives by, in the first instance, supporting and expanding the Agriculture Visa and developing other short to medium term programs.” 

Summerfruit Export Alliance chair Ian McAlister said the value of Riverland stone fruit would drop without state and federal government support. 

“While skills training for all ages is important, it will take time to build up the numbers of employees required,” Mr McAlister said.

“And while we applaud the planned programs, they will not solve the harvest labour shortage that Australian stone fruit growers are facing for the coming season.”